How effective communication can help the rising popularity of the Agro Sector

July 14, 2020

(Anindita Gupta, Co-Founder, Scenic Communication)

The recent pandemic has been a life-changer for all. It has taught us a very important lesson of safeguarding life and having good immunity. This has further led to the growing awareness towards wholesome, organic food. There is a lot of conversation regarding healthy and immunity boosting food that is authentically grown. People are getting more conscious of what they eat, where the food came from and how it was produced, which invariably puts the agro sector in the lime light.

The sector has seen its fair share of challenges due to COVID and these are being addressed by the government in order to boost the economy. Food supply chains are being made more efficient, with better storage facilities that are being planned and all such challenges are being taken care of. At the same time there are a lot of ancillary industries that were there before the COVID pandemic, but are only now finding more support, as the focus on healthy living is back in the radar for people. From cold press oils and raw juices to agricultural processors and industries dealing in organic vegetables, fruits, cereals and energy/ diet foods, the healthy food industry has got a whole new significance, thanks to the pandemic.

Given the immense growth potential of the sector, it is vital for the Agro and its ancillary sectors to build on a strong brand narrative at the onset, so as to fully leverage the market opportunity in the Post-COVID era. Here are a few pointers on how PR can make that happen:

Educating the Masses – PR is integral in educating the masses. PR helps brands engage with the end consumers, and start conversations around organic Vs synthetic food, how and where their food is processed, and the health benefit it provides etc. All these are very educative in nature which people want to know. PR provides an opportunity for brands to voice their answers to the consumers.

Creating Visibility – With the boost in the sector many startups will emerge post COVID, and creating visibility among consumers, stakeholders, investors, and other industry members is going to be vital for them to survive. PR can help generate the visibility for them through the right narratives, assisting them build a credible brand image that would go a long way for the company.

Category Building – The agriculture industry has largely been unorganized despite being the largest employment generating sector of the country. This also includes the small scale industry dependent on the agro sector, like sorting, packaging and processing of agro products, small scale food manufacturing units – juices and jams and pulps and oils etc., a large part of which continues to be unorganized. However, with the popularity of the sector, the need for transparency and credibility is going to be vital. PR can help in category building of these products and can also help in creating the streamlined structure for agriculture and agro based industries.

Creating Export Opportunity – India is inching its way towards become an export economy. Though agricultural exports have always played a big role but it is going to see an exponential rise in the coming months. PR is extremely crucial to create the credible narrative and build on the international demand for organic and export quality produce, that can help agro based businesses leverage the international opportunity.

As we prepare for a new world post the COVID-19 pandemic, agro based companies will be a crucial motivator and game changer for the Indian Economy. So it becomes extremely crucial for them to connect with the wide consumer by utilizing PR and practicing the above mentioned brand building exercises. If undertaken right now, this will go a long way for the companies in helping them lead the way for a sustained and efficient growth driven by a well-informed consumer base. 

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