MPCDF Eyes Ghee Export to SAARC Countries to Clear Stockpile and Expand Market

The Madhya Pradesh Cooperative Dairy Federation (MPCDF), known for marketing packaged milk and other dairy products, is gearing up to export ghee, aiming to alleviate stockpiles and broaden its market presence globally. This initiative will initially target the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries, with plans to extend to other international markets over time.

MPCDF is also strategizing to distribute ghee across various Indian states. Expressions of Interest (EOI) have been invited from Maharashtra, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Delhi, among others. The federation processes a surplus of approximately 3 lakh litres of milk daily, converting it into butter and skimmed milk powder, with the butter further processed into ghee.

In Madhya Pradesh, MPCDF currently sells around 4,000-5,000 metric tons (MT) of ghee annually. Dr. Satish Kumar, Managing Director of MPCDF, highlighted the organization’s export plans, stating, “We are planning to export ghee and initially focusing on SAARC countries. Ghee can be easily transported for longer distances as it has a shelf life of around six months. We have started discussions and have applied for registrations and plant licenses. The plants from which products are to be exported need to get licenses.”

“Maintaining the cold chain and quality over long distances will be more manageable due to ghee’s extended shelf life. MPCDF has applied for registration with the National Cooperative Exports Limited (NCEL), an umbrella organization facilitating exports for the entire cooperative sector in India. Additionally, the Export Inspection Council, responsible for inspecting and licensing export plants, is involved in this initiative”, cited Kumar.

Kumar further added, “MPCDF operates milk unions in Bhopal, Indore, Ujjain, Jabalpur, Gwalior, and Bundelkhand. Dr. Kumar noted, “We are starting with ghee exports to SAARC countries and then gradually evaluating other destinations and products. This move marks a significant step for MPCDF as it seeks to leverage its surplus production and explore new markets, both domestic and international, ensuring the federation’s growth and sustainability.”

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