Bihar’s Farmer Potential and Food Processing: Union Minister Paswan’s Vision

Union Minister Chirag Paswan is steering a focused agenda to harness Bihar’s considerable farmer population for the advancement of the food processing industry. During a recent gathering with industry leaders and micro-entrepreneurs in Patna, Paswan drew his commitment to revitalizing the sector within his home state.

Paswan outlined a clear vision: Bihar’s vast farming community is a pivotal asset for the food processing industry. He believes that integrating Bihar’s agricultural strengths with the processing sector could significantly bolster economic growth. “Bihar’s farmers are crucial to this sector’s development, and their involvement can propel both state and national economic progress,” Paswan remarked.

Looking forward, Paswan is dedicated to transforming food processing into a major employment sector, aiming for widespread establishment of processing units across the country, particularly in Bihar. His assurances of ongoing support from the Ministry of Food Processing Industries signal a strong push for this sector’s growth.

In addition to these goals, Paswan encouraged participation in World Food India 2024, set to take place from September 19-22, 2024, in Delhi. This event is designed to project India’s evolving role on the global food processing stage.

Minhaj Alam, Additional Secretary of the Ministry, provided an overview of World Food India’s impact in positioning India as a key player in food processing. The meeting, a collaboration between the Ministry and the PHD Chamber of Commerce, was the first of its kind this year, aiming to foster greater industry engagement and advancement.

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