PepsiCo Unveils Smart Cans and AI Hydration Coach to Elevate Personalization

PepsiCo showcased its latest innovations in AI and smart technology, highlighting the company’s commitment to enhancing personalization for its consumers. This year, the company introduced cutting-edge technologies for its flagship brands, Gatorade and Pepsi, reflecting a push towards integrating AI-driven personalization into their product offerings.

Gatorade presented an innovative AI Hydration Coach, dubbed “Anna”. The virtual assistant is powered by artificial intelligence and draws on decades of research from the Gatorade Sports Science Institute. Anna is designed to educate users on the science of hydration, making complex information easily understandable.

The AI coach, who was demonstrated via an interactive touch screen, allows users to ask both serious and light-hearted questions about hydration and Gatorade products. Anna’s AI capabilities enable it to provide tailored advice, bringing a level of personalized guidance typically reserved for elite athletes to the general public. According to a PepsiCo spokesperson, the AI Hydration Coach is expected to pilot in select markets by late 2024 or early 2025, with plans for broader engagement across various digital and physical platforms, including in-store displays.

In a parallel innovation, Pepsi unveiled its new Smart Can, a device designed to enhance user interaction through advanced technology. The Smart Can is equipped with wraparound screens, movement sensors, and accelerometers, transforming it into an interactive portal that provides customized experiences. This device, while resembling a traditional Pepsi can, does not contain soda but is intended to deliver personalized content and exclusive assets to users.

Pepsi plans to leverage the Smart Can in future promotional activities, particularly with creators and influencers in fields like gaming, sports, and music. The Smart Can will offer a unique way for Pepsi to connect with fans, though it is not yet available for retail purchase. Further details on the marketing strategy and availability of the Smart Can are expected in the coming months.

Gatorade’s AI Hydration Coach represents a significant step in utilizing AI to democratize access to expert-level health and fitness advice. This aligns with the broader industry trend of using AI to deliver personalized experiences, and Gatorade is a leader in combining technology with consumer health.

The Smart Can by Pepsi exemplifies a creative approach to reimagining product interaction. By embedding advanced technology into the iconic soda can shape, Pepsi aims to offer unique, personalized experiences that can deepen consumer engagement. The Smart Can’s potential to deliver exclusive digital assets and content marks a new frontier in how brands can interact with their audience.

PepsiCo’s foray into advanced consumer technology comes at a crucial time, as the brand looks to regain its competitive edge in the soda market. Recently, Pepsi lost its long-standing position as the No. 2 soda brand in the U.S. to Dr. Pepper, adding urgency to its innovative efforts. The departure of Chief Marketing Officer Todd Kaplan, a key figure in Pepsi’s marketing strategy, adds another layer of complexity to the brand’s future direction.

As PepsiCo continues to experiment with new technologies and personalization strategies, the company’s success will depend on how effectively it can integrate these innovations into its broader marketing and consumer engagement efforts. The innovations showcased at Cannes Lions highlight PepsiCo’s commitment to staying at the forefront of consumer technology and maintaining its relevance in an increasingly competitive market.

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