Confidence in Your Decision Leads to Strong Leadership

Mahabharat and Ramayan are the epics of royal families that involve and revolve around family values inclusive of respect, sacrifices, and acceptance in it. Even today, we still see these traits in our families where there is respect for elders, love for young ones. For me, no job is too big or too small. It’s a work that will always add an experience to one’s life. Nothing discourages me as I have worked relentlessly in my yesterdays. I am optimistic and always see something better that will result from a thoughtful decision. At Balaji’s, we never compromise on quality and services. Our motto is building trust and give value for money to our customers.
It’s very difficult to control a family. The family is no manager. The family is not a servant. Family is a Family made up of close relation, it cannot be dominated by someone else. Hence, when we give respect to the family members and they reciprocate it back with love and trust

The Role of Family Members

 The role of family members is well specified in our family. Father should act as a father because he is the leader of the family. He has to maneuver the members very tactfully otherwise if we act as a dominant father then sons will remain sons and will not grow further. It will create a stagnant state where there will be no growth. So we have to put some responsibilities on their shoulder.
At times we have to set them free because the younger generation is full of new ideas and innovation. Sometimes, we have to give reins in their hands as they will live longer than their elders. We have to keep them at par with us and guide them through the ups-downs of life, that way they will learn through experiences and this will set us free from our responsibilities. The more responsibilities you put on the younger generation, the more responsible they will be. If they make some decision seat on a responsible seat, they will gain more power and confidence to implement their thoughts.
If children go wayward it becomes the responsibility of the parent and if he comes to be a leader then it shows the reflection of a responsible parent. A leader should have the characteristics of a father.

The Perception of younger generation

I don’t take much tension about the younger generation. What I have seen since my grandfather’s time the family was of the opinion that- ‘This is yours’, but never it was- ‘This is mine’. So destiny holds the card for the younger generation if they prefer to be in this business. But it is not so easy to do what one wants. Basically, it’s the power within the family that acts as a supreme command which must be followed. But it is the role of the family and the values inculcated from childhood that automatically brings the younger generation truthfully into the family business.

The Role of Modern Technologies & Automation

The time has changed a lot. Since the last decade, we see a major change in this industry where the latest technologies and automation have stepped in. And in days to come, we will definitely see many more changes because it is not possible to stop or restrict changes or innovation. It’s a series of development that cannot be stopped at any level. Once the automation level has been achieved doesn’t mean that technology has come to an end, there will always be some micro and macro development as innovations to keep updating the technologies of the machines. Changes are progressive in nature. To adjust to newer mechanization is difficult to understand but once the stone is set rolling, the production process till logistics becomes easy, and work is done smoothly. We have to walk with the time to be successful and people who don’t worth time, will be left behind.

Lockdown Consequences

What I personally feel is that people learn when faced with a tough time. These times are testing times for all of us. In a way, the augment of the crisis was good, because people really gave serious thought to cleanliness and hygiene which was observed scarcely. People became more health-conscious and want to eat healthy food. Much before the corona, I never took pills as a medication for my illness. My kitchen garden provided herbs which I have planted in the backyard. I rarely go for medicines, my remedies are in my kitchen.

Growth in Diwali and the sales of gift hamper

Everybody has faced loss in the business with quite a percentage of it. Many businessmen have retrenched a sizable workforce. Covid has impacted all, so it’s apparent that businesses have come down to halves. Yes, we did witness a slacken demand for gift hampers this Diwali season. We have never been involved in making gift hampers, but now if we get orders for them, we will surely cater to the needs of the corporate or bulk orders.

Guidelines from Chandubhai Virani:

Be a leader to lead the people through the road of truth and confidence. A leader should respect his people and only then will he be able to gather respect for himself.
I also believe in the fact that what you eat, your employee should also eat the same without any disparities. We should never think of greatness. In yesteryears when we had no money we were not ‘POOR’, in today’s world we have everything but we are not ‘RICH’. A leader should think on these grounds because doing smaller things will lead you the path of a much-liked Leader. All these are practical experiences that no books will offer you in writing, these experiences are gathered with hardships of life. CORONA has taught us a lot of things which are unforgettable lessons till we live here. Don’t run away or turn your back on problems, face it as life means facing the trouble face to face and Life Transforms into LIFE.