Demand for Kikkoman surges in Indian food processing industry

As the world’s leading producer of naturally brewed soy sauce, Kikkoman is currently meeting the needs of the food processing industry globally.

As the awareness and demand for soy sauce grow in the Indian food manufacturing industry, Kikkoman India will make efforts so that the Indian food processing industry becomes more aware of the value and necessity of using Kikkoman soy sauce as an all-purpose seasoning.

Kikkoman Soy Sauce’s versatility has made it a key ingredient in many food categories: it can be used as a cooking ingredient, marinade sauce, base seasoning for vegan products, natural flavour enhancer for soups, salads, frozen pizza, spreads, ready meals for children, and even to make vanilla ice cream more delicious.

To this end, Kikkoman India has created a dedicated sales team so that food manufacturers embracing this new trend can use Kikkoman Soy Sauce in their products, secure in the knowledge that their ready meals and other processed foods will be more natural and delicious.

Kikkoman’s journey in India has already been marked by initial success. It has made deep inroads into the hospitality industry. In just 18 months since its launch, the high-quality and superior taste of Kikkoman Soy Sauce has seen steady sales growth in over 30 cities through its authorized distribution network.

Many chefs have already switched to using Kikkoman for the deliciousness it adds to dishes owing to its natural brewing method and just four basic ingredients: soybeans, wheat, salt, and water.

The impact it is having can be gauged from the fact that 18 million dishes* were served using Kikkoman soy sauce in India in the first year of its launch.

Leading food manufacturers around the world are using naturally brewed soy sauce to enhance the flavour profile of their products and as an alternative to salt.

Kikkoman is the leading producer of naturally brewed soy sauce in the world, and we use the traditional brewing method “honjozo,”  which gives rise to amino acids and other umami components that add complexity and depth to the flavour while also adding sweetness and savouriness in addition to saltiness.

“Just like spices, adding Kikkoman Soy Sauce elevates the dish and makes it more delicious,” said Kikkoman India Director and India Representative Harry Hakuei Kosato.