DuPont launches new line of ingredients ‘Virslik’ adding taste to yogurts

Feb 22, 2021

DuPont has launched a new line of ingredients under the name ‘Virslik’, a processing aid that delivers a ‘desirable texture’ and ‘clean taste’. With new flavours and textures becoming available to yoghurts in the near future thanks to these ingredient innovations, this segment could be a stand-out success in the dairy market in the coming years, especially seeing as plant-based alternatives blocking the growth of dairy-based milk and cheese.

DuPont claims that the Virslik line is particularly versatile in the yoghurt segment.

With a successful launch, this line of ingredients could be key in promoting raising the average protein content of healthy yoghurts and similarly, raise standards for product development.

According to GlobalData’s survey conducted last month, a sizeable 57% of consumers have been adapting their shopping behavior with regards to buying yoghurt since the Covid-19 outbreak.

This means that the US makes for a perfect testbed to ensure that the improvements were seen in the mouthfeel and taste that the new ingredients create a line-up with what consumers are looking for in the new normal.

Moreover, the consumer is buying more yoghurt since the pandemic struck, rather than less yogurt3. This substantial increase makes it a perfect location to test new yoghurt ingredients since the uptake will relate more specifically to emerging consumer trends that are being witnessed across the world.

DuPont is looking to outscore its rivals with their own Virslik bringing a yoghurt’s total protein content up to 14%, rather than the typical 9-10% that we see in yoghurts today. With high protein content currently a hot topic, this will help the ingredient out-compete ProMilk in attracting brands that appeal to consumers who are concerned about their wellbeing and keep up with the latest health trends.

Versilk is the latest in a suite of solutions comprising enzymes, cultures, proteins, and functional solutions. Aside from the basis of nutrition and taste, DuPont’s product also aims to help brands become more agile, owing to Verslik’s versatility as a component that helps manufacturers quickly respond to market trends.

Recently, yoghurt has been acting as a ‘go-to’ product for consumers reacting to the lifestyle pressures initiated by the spread of Covid-19. Many consumers are buying nutritious food like yoghurt to enjoy as a light meal or snack, as opposed to something more indulgent.