The trend in tea sales is going downhill

Officials from the Calcutta Tea Traders Association (CTTA) have meticulously informed us that the auction held on February 14 saw a further decline in total demand of 20.40 percent. According to CTTA official data, the total offerings amounted to 50,759 packages (14,84,784 kg), comprising 28,022 packages of CTC leaf, 15,221 packages of orthodox, 584 packages of Darjeeling leaf, and 6,932 packages of dust tea.

CTC leaf met with good demand at a lower price level, and a total of 6,81,511 kg of different categories was sold at an average price of Rs. 155.00 per kg. Around 54.43 percent of the total demand was witnessed for CTC leaf at or below Rs. 150 per kg, and only 3.85 percent was marked at or above Rs. 250 per kg, it revealed.

According to the data, Western India was active and other internals showed good support. Hindustan Unilever enjoyed good support, while TCPL was selective. Orthodox offerings also saw fair demand at a lower price range, and a total of 3, 253,367 kg of different qualities were claimed at an average price of Rs. 167.22 per kg. About 44.02 percent of total demand was for tea at or below Rs. 150 per kg, and only 7.11 percent was marked at a higher price level.

The Middle East was active, and the CIS saw good support. Darjeeling leaf met with strong demand at a lower price level, and a total of 8,365 kg of different qualities were sold at an average price of Rs. 131.39 per kg. Around 94.54 percent of the total demand was observed for Darjeeling leaf at prices below Rs. 200 per kg, while only 4.59 percent was observed at prices above Rs. 500 per kg.

Yet the total absence of demand in the medium price range was another feature of Darjeeling leaf during this auction. Major blenders did not operate. Exporters and local operators were the mainstays. This week’s dust offerings were much less popular, with a total of 2, 10,511 kg of various qualities claimed at an average price of Rs. 147.60 per kg.

Around 53.09 percent of the total demand was marked for dust offerings at the lower price level, while only 1.54 percent was observed at the higher price level, it said. Hindustan Unilever operated actively, while TCPL was selective. Good inquiries were in evidence from internal and other local dealers. The number of buyers for CTC, Orthodox, Darjeeling leaf, and dust teas was 113, 61, 29, and 64, respectively, during this session, according to the reported data.