Exports to have longer shelf life thanks to a new facility at Wellcamp Airport

A new state-of-the-art trade facility at Toowoomba’s Wellcamp Airport, known as Brisbane West Wellcamp Airport until November 2017, is leveraging innovative technology to assist boost airfreight for agricultural farmers in the region.

The Toowoomba Wellcamp Trade Distribution Centre (TWTDC), which opened in July, assists primary farmers and exporters by extending product shelf life. Dairy, fruits and vegetables, meat, and packaged nuts are examples.

The total floor space of the centre is 4,000 square metres (sqm). It has 1,500 square metres of chilled storage space, freezer rooms, and temperature-controlled transit spaces. It also includes a huge transit area as well as enclosed outdoor storage.

Wagner Corporation, located in Queensland, completed the $20 million project in in 156 days.

Accelerating access to international markets 
According to Jonny Arkins, Business Development Manager at Wellcamp Airport, the centre is speeding area companies’ access to crucial international markets.

Mr Arkins adds, ‘The TWTDC is expediting the paddock-to-freight process for graziers and producers throughout the Toowoomba and Darling Downs areas.’

‘Premium Queensland fresh goods, including as meats, fruits, and vegetables, may now be airfreighted into markets throughout the world faster and fresher than ever before.’

Over 500 jobs are predicted to be created in the region as a result of the facility’s export expansion.’

Trade hub working together with IFAM 

The new facility has collaborated with flights organised by the Australian Government’s International Freight Assistance Mechanism (IFAM).

The Australian Government established IFAM as a temporary, targeted emergency support strategy to keep global aviation linkages open in response to the continued consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic.

Currently, two IFAM flights each week depart from Wellcamp. These planes transport local goods to Hong Kong, Singapore, China, and as far away as Dubai, Canada, the United States, and Europe.

Air Vice-Marshal Margaret Staib, the head of IFAM, claims that Wellcamp’s new facility can load or unload goods on a flight in less than an hour.

‘IFAM was formed to maintain vital air linkages available and to give Australian firms that rely on airfreight time to adjust to a changing international trade climate,’ she explains.

‘This new Wellcamp facility is an outstanding example of industry adjusting operational patterns and pivoting to ‘new-look’ supply chains.’