Michelle Obama’s Plezi Nutrition brings Healthier Fizzy Fruit Drink for Tweens and Teens

Michelle Obama’s Plezi Nutrition has introduced a new carbonated fruit drink aimed at enticing tweens and teens away from sugary beverages towards healthier options. The launch of Plezi Fizz marks the company’s second product, continuing its mission to offer alternatives to high-sugar drinks popular among children.

With 70% less sugar (8 grams per 8.4 ounces) than leading soft drinks (which typically contain 28 grams per 8.4 ounces) and no added sugar, Plezi Fizz boasts additional benefits such as 2 grams of fiber and essential nutrients like potassium and vitamin C. Available in Cherry Limeade, Lemon Lime Squeeze, and Strawberry Lemonade flavours, the drink is set to hit shelves this spring.

Sam Kass, co-chair of Plezi’s board and former White House chef during the Obama administration, expressed confidence in Plezi Fizz following successful testing against competitors. However, he acknowledged the challenge of shifting young consumers away from sugary options, emphasizing the importance of offering healthier choices without compromising on taste.

Recent studies by the American Heart Association reveal alarming levels of sugar consumption among children and young adults, with beverages being a major contributor. Plezi Nutrition aims to address this issue by providing alternatives that promote better dietary habits.

While Plezi’s primary focus is on beverages for now, there are plans to expand into snacks for children and potentially into products for adults in the future. Dr. Shale Wong, a paediatrician and member of Plezi Nutrition’s advisory group, emphasized the importance of providing families with better options to improve overall health outcomes, especially for children.

Plezi Fizz will soon be available on Amazon, as well as in select convenience and club stores. As the company continues its efforts to promote healthier lifestyles, it remains committed to innovation and meeting the evolving needs of consumers, both young and old.