Proffee – the healthy trending beverage

Making a choice between a glass of protein shake and a warm cup of coffee is tough, now there is a new and unique food item in the market called Proffee that will bring the goodness of both coffee and protein shake at the same time.

Proffee, also known as protein coffee, is actually prepared by replacing the milk in your favorite cup of coffee with some protein powder. The recipe is supposedly healthy enough to be consumed in the morning and lets you reap the benefits of both beverages at the same time.

Reportedly, the hot new beverage has also been approved by dietitians and fitness enthusiasts.

Proffee offers a solid dose of energy and fuel before you start your workout. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and helps to restore a person’s energy while protein keeps you fuller for a longer time. Proffee provides both protein and nutrients, which you don’t get from coffee. The power drink also boosts metabolism and nourishes your body.

Adding some protein powder to your coffee can also help you to shed those extra kilos. Protein powder keeps you full for a longer time and promotes a feeling of fullness which will eventually prevent you from unnecessary snacking. Caffeine, on the other hand, also promotes weight loss. Research shows that caffeine lowers the level of hunger hormones and also boosts your metabolism.