Food Future Foundation CEO Pawan Agarwal Highlights Challenges in India’s Informal Food Market

Pawan Agarwal, founder and CEO of the Food Future Foundation (India) and former CEO of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), shed light on the challenges faced by India’s food industry, emphasizing the complexity arising from its largely informal nature.

Agarwal pointed out that, unlike the organized food sectors in the West, India has a large informal market, making it particularly challenging to ensure food safety and hygiene. He highlighted the need for a different approach to address these issues, acknowledging some success in India’s efforts but noting that further steps are required, especially regarding hygiene and instances of adulteration in foreign markets.

The former FSSAI CEO stressed the importance of consumer education and awareness in combating challenges like food adulteration. He encouraged consumers to take proactive steps such as identifying adulteration, protesting, and choosing not to buy from unreliable sources.

Addressing the broader issue of healthy food choices, Agarwal acknowledged the dominance of taste in food preferences, with many individuals opting for tasty but unhealthy options. He emphasized the need to create incentives for various stakeholders to promote healthier food choices, encouraging marketing efforts for nutritious options.

Agarwal also highlighted the necessity of incorporating food-based education programs in schools, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and food literacy. He expressed the belief that individuals need to develop their food habits based on personal preferences and self-awareness, underscoring the significance of education in fostering healthy dietary choices.

As India continues to grapple with food security concerns, Agarwal’s insights shed light on the multifaceted challenges within the country’s food industry and the ongoing efforts to address them.